The product range features:
Multi-flow collectors that provide maximum solar absorption, based on series installed e.g. with a black polyester powder coating or Mirotherm. Hartgard fluid in the collector which rises into the heat exchanger where the heat is transferred to the water inside of the tank. A ceramic-lined tank, including an anode for additional protection against corrosion.
The Commercial Solar Water Heating range includes:
- Solar collectors: High efficiency copper absorber with a sputtered selective surface, maximising heat absorption and minimising heat loss with a glass wool insulation.
- Central heat store: Available in multiple sizes that can be interconnected to meet large demands, optimise available plant room space, and provide redundancy.
- Solar pump skid: Controls all the solar functions, including the 3-way valves and booster, and regulates the speed of the solar pump to optimise the flow rate through the solar collectors.
- Drain-back system: The heat transfer fluid drains back into the heat store when there is insufficient solar gain or when the maximum set service temperature has been reached.
- Heat exchange delivery skid: The control system varies the rate of energy transfer from the central heat store to precisely regulate the hot water outlet temperature to the building.
Booster options: Booster options exist to ensure constant hot water supply at times of low solar radiation or high hot water demand.

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